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Add to word list Add to word list. She pampers her dog with the finest steak and salmon. Why not pamper yourself after a hard day with a hot bath scented with oils? Treating someone well. It also increases pampering and protectiveness to a level well above that directed to their healthy siblings. I mention that to show the remorseless hatred for us of these men whom we are pampering at the present moment. They want appreciation; they do not want pampering. Indeed, it may be said to require a little pampering. They do not require pampering , but they deserve more consideration and courtesy and kindlier treatment by public officials than they have received. I protest against the idea that has been voiced in some newspapers that we are going along the road towards pampering prisoners. So let us have no more howls about " pampering the council tenants". I fail to see why we should be eternally cossetting and pampering the motor trade, which is largely responsible for much of our present difficulties. I also think that this pampering is responsible, to a great extent, for the increasing crime to-day; but that is beside the point. Earlier this week she invited me to meet carers attending a pampering session. Decency has become an excuse for pampering , laxity and even for licence. None of this money is being wasted in pampering these people.

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