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Giving a gift shows your appreciation of friends and family who have had significant roles to play in your big day. There is something special about a bouquet or a bottle of good malt. These show you treasure the amount of effort the recipient put in to make your day go smoothly and are undoubtedly a pleasure to receive. What about a unique gift that, when used over the years, makes them smile, thinking back to your special day? What about a Quaich kweix? However, the Quaich is not used for just any drink. The Quaich is reserved for a good old dram of whisky or brandy! There is a considerable amount of history that you can read online. Bonnie Prince Charlie and Sir Walter Scott are just some of the historical figures that have counted a Quaich amongst their prized possessions. Quaichs come in all shapes and sizes. And all sorts of materials from pewter and ceramic through to glass and wood. The wooden ones are a delight to hold, even the most basic design sings of craftmanship. Whilst a Quaich is undoubtedly Scottish, not every Scot owns one. It shows how valued they are and that feeling comes back every time the Quaich gets used. Can you imagine giving your bridesmaids a Quaich each, and then they use those as toasts at their wedding. How cool a story does that make? Some of mine have been treats to myself, Some are presents, and my most precious is a gift from the Nottingham Scottish Association for the time I spent as their Secretary.

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